
Linda is an education consultant with 34 years of expertise in education policy, education management, curriculum development and early childhood education and care.

As a curriculum consultant, she was responsible for developing, writing, piloting and implementing new programs.

In her 15 years in senior level positions (Director, Senior Director and Assistant Deputy Minister), she had the lead responsibility for advising the Deputy Minister and Minister on all educational matters related to educational programs and services.

Linda was responsible for the management of six divisions in the Public Education unit, leading policy development in these areas, and the implementation of major departmental initiatives related to programs and services such as

  • The implementation of the recommendations provided by the Task Force on Student Achievement.

  • The Kindergarten Transition team responsible for the movement of kindergarten from the early year’s system to the school system. See:

  • The Preschool Excellence Initiative to reform the early learning system.

Linda played a key role in, and in some cases, lead the efficient and effective coordination of special projects in the area of early childhood development and public education such as the negotiations with federal partners for early childhood and aboriginal education initiatives, the review of the School Calendar, the School Improvement Initiative, the Kindergarten Transition Team, The Task Force on Student Achievement, Active Healthy School Communities, Provincial Trades strategy, labour negotiations with the Teachers Federation, etc.

Linda represented and spoke for the Department at provincial meetings as well as regional and national Assistant Deputy Ministers’ meetings. These included, but are not limited to: co-lead province on National Joint School Health Consortium management committee, Council of Ministers of Education, Canada ADM’s, the Public Education Standing Committee of the Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training (CAMET), etc.

Since 2011 she has been working regionally and nationally as a consultant. Educational clients and projects include:

  • Fédération de parents de l’Î.-P.-É., Étude des besoins en formation et accompagnement des éducatrices (A Study to determine training needs of Early Childhood Educators, completed 2011). Lone consultant responsible for research, consultation and planning.

  • Better Child Care: Collaborator Early Years Study 3 - Member of large primary team of 5 and secondary team of a dozen people. Responsible for environmental scan across all provinces, all French components and one of three members who designed the indicators scale for rating provincial progress on early learning.

  • Dept. of Education and ECD and PEI Teachers’ Federation: Teacher Workload and Teacher Allocation Study. Completed 2011. Lead researcher and writer; working with a committee.

  • Dept. of Education and ECD NB: Immersion Task Force – Examining the entry point for French Immersion. Completed 2012. Lead writer and researcher and member of a four-person Task Force.

  • Dept.of Education and ECD and First Nations NB: Review of 4-year-old pre-kindergarten program. Co-lead writer, researcher, investigator and facilitator. Completed 2012

  • Collège Acadie Î.-P.-É.: Facilitation for Strategic Planning, co-lead facilitator. 2012

  • Child Care Human Resources Sector Council of Canada: You Bet We Still Care, Francophone component, interviews and advice. 2012

  • Collège Acadie Î.-P.-É.: Research project to find areas where employer needs, student interest, and the capacity of Collège Acadie Î.-P.-É. intersect in order to provide recommendations on future course offerings and partnerships at the Collège. Completed 2012. Lead researcher, facilitator, writer.

  • Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training: Review of the Operation and Mandate of the French Video Library. Completed 2012. Sole investigator and writer.

  • Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training: Re-write and editing of the Guide to Literacy Competencies for Teachers and Administrators. Completed 2012. Sole researcher and writer.

  • NS department of Education: Review of program and curriculum development process and product for the francophone sector. Completed 2013. Sole investigator, researcher and writer.

  • TIAPEI: Human Resource Strategy for the Tourism Industry in partnership with Dunne Consulting and Grant Thornton. Completed 2013, Collaborator, facilitator.

  • Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training: Strengthening the Transition from Public to Post-Secondary Education in partnership with the Canadian Career Development Foundation. Completed 2013. Member of six-person team. Responsible for scan of Atlantic provinces, focus groups, key stakeholder interviews, some research and advice to lead writers.

  • Conseil scolaire acadien provincial in Nova Scotia. Strategic plan. Completed 2014. Project lead

  • PEI2014: project lead for student engagement component which included the development of historical activities for students and historical site visitations. Completed 2014

  • Samuel Holland 250th anniversary: developed an educational kit for schools. Completed 2015 Sole developer.

  • Collège de l'Île and Holland College: College 2020, a plan for strategic collaboration, with Dunne Consulting, 2017

  • PEI Department of Education and Lifelong Learning: L’histoire des Acadiens de l’IPÉ revision and co-authoring with Georges Arsenault. (2020)

  • Cap enfants: Évaluation du programme Dès la Naissance (2020)

  • Council of Atlantic ministers of Education and Training: Atlantic Provinces Standards of Practice for School-based Administrators (2020)

Linda has published numerous reports and papers, delivered keynote addresses and other presentations on a range of topics at national and regional forums. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from UPEI and a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Saint-Mary’s University.

Le Groupe Lowther a énormément contribué au succès du programme de diffusion scolaire d’Î.-P.-É. 2014.  Sa vaste expérience du système...   plus